Attendance Policy
The training program will meet in person 32 days per year and online for 12 days of online meetings spread over 26 months. In addition, there will be regular weekly meeting of 1 to 2.5 hours per week.
The Administrative Director or staff will track each student’s attendance at the training to ensure that he or she has participated in the required number of hours. In the event of any absence from class, a student is responsible for the content of the missed material. Per the FGNA, the training has to be completed within a maximum of seven years, and a minimum duration of two years (24 months).
It is the student’s responsibility to make-up any time missed. A student missing more than five (5) days of training per year or a total of more than ten (10) days over the course of the entire two years will be required to make up lost time. Assistance will be provided in organizing any required makeup time.
A student has different options as regards making up missed class time. When the student misses individual days of training, this material can be made up by audio recordings of the training segments. Audio recordings of the course for makeup purposes will be available to all participants; the fee is included in tuition.
We are offering significantly more training time than is required for graduation. Thus, if a student misses some time they will not necessarily have to make up every missed day. This can be decided in consultation with a Core Faculty member and will depend on the content of the missed days and the student’s needs.
For longer absences, students may need to make up time in other training programs, at the student’s own time and expense. Feldenkrais Resources does not track the costs of these other programs.